AASRA volunteers conduct workshops on different levels with high-risk target groups eg school, college students, highly-stressed employees of call centers, financial institutions, multinationals etc. AASRA volunteers have Outreach programs to reach out to the multitudes who may choose to end their lives because of chronic suffering or terminal illness.
24x7 Helpline: +91-9820466726
You can contact us for emotional crisis situations, mental illness issues, and suicidal ideation. Families undergoing trauma after suicide of a loved one are also welcome to seek our help
We listen, We care.
At AASRA you can get support from professionally trained and skilled volunteers. The volunteers are selected with great care, chosen as they are for their ability to listen with empathy and understanding. Each volunteer has to undergo training for a minimum of six months before they can start dealing with callers.
Suicide prevention is Everybody's Responsibilty, Join Us to make a Difference
Aasra is a crisis intervention centre for the lonely, distressed and suicidal. We aim to help prevent and manage mental illness by providing voluntary, professional and essentially confidential care and support to the depressed & the suicidal. Learn more about us here.
As per The Lancet India is reported to have had 2.57 lakh suicide s in 2016 of which 94380 we're women. In 2015 as per NCRB 1.33 lakh suicides were committed of which 42088 were women. Married women account for highest proportion of suicide deaths in India. Seven times that number attempt to take their lives and as for those who feel desperate and unable to cope, the number is mind boggling. More suicides occur between 18 and 45 - in other words in the most productive age group of our society.